A. Lessons

[The story continues from “The Ancestor’s Lessons”]

Kino: Wow, this is like I’m finding out that the light I thought was the truth all along is really just a flashlight on one little spot and you just turned the overhead lights on.

Nia: This is all very enlightening but tell me Ancestor, how did we Africans become so evolved?

Ancestor: I’m glad you asked that Nia. African people have a very long and prosperous past. That is how we were able to evolve. We have been thriving across the richest land on this planet for more than a hundred thousand years. While the rest of the world froze throughout the many ice ages with limited resources, African people had plenty. Moreover, we had plenty of time to study our environment, plenty of time to study math, science, biology, physics, and electromagnetism. We had time to study our universe, spirituality and how it’s all connected.

This was a slow refining process, like the refining of our evolved selves. This didn’t happen overnight. This gradually happened over multiples of tens of thousands of years. Not haphazardly over a couple thousand years, riding on the tail end of someone else's knowledge that you never really understood. That’s how it is in this modern era, just to find out that some things went very wrong somewhere along the way. Though they are not willing to stop and fix it. There’s too much money invested. Instead they keep going down the wrong path and hoping it will fix itself along the way. They pass the buck to the next generation. This is what western society is doing now.

Chosen Ones why do you think Egypt is such a mystery to western society?

Khalfani: Because they don’t want to believe that Black Africans or Khemitians taught them what they know. They would rather believe that aliens had done it, or some lost Carcasian race. One who would build monuments in Africa but not at home in Europe where they’re from.

Ancestor: Ah Khalfani, I’m glad to see that you have an understanding about some of the problems. The others can use your insight and leadership. Please be more vocal if you have a thought.

You are absolutely right about that point. However, Egypt wasn’t built six thousand years ago like you were all told. When I walked this Earth in physical form over twelve thousand years ago, all of the monuments around today's Giza necropolis were already old. They were built during the time of the last ice age when most of the northern hemisphere was covered with ice. Also, Earth’s surface had its tectonic plate shift where Europe and parts of Asia was located at the north pole. The continent Antarctica was further north and was not covered by ice at that time. It was a rich and fertile land, almost like that of Africa but more like South America.

Our nation, which was called Alkebulan at the time the Great Pyramid was built. We had a considerably large and expansive civilization that traded throughout the world. That was the world's last truly great global empire. They had one nation which consisted of all groups of civilized people of the world. They had cities in Antarctica, Africa, Asia, India, Australia and America. They were undoubtedly of Black African ancestry with all its variant types. But they were just one of many exploratory and expansive nations that African people created throughout the tens of thousands of years thriving in warm climates, while the ancestors of Europe and parts of Asia waited in caves to keep warm. They only advanced in violence and aggression for scarce resources until the Earth's surface shifted again after the ice age. Then it would take them another ten to twelve thousand years before they would be able to even partially comprehend the knowledge these great African ancestors handed down to their descendants. Those descendants then shared it with the Greeks who had already begun mixing out the original Black people of that land, just like Mesopotamia prior and much of Asia. By this time African people were beginning to have to make adjustments to environmental changes like the desert encroachment in the north.

Lee: Ancestor, please explain to us what happened to the Africans who built these great nations?

Ancestor: That’s a good question Lee. As I explained to you earlier, civilization comes and goes in waves of high points and low. High being when large quantities of people come together to form metropolitan areas where social order needs to be established so people can get along. There is also a growth in the arts, sciences, and commerce because people inspire, influence and motivate one another. In contrast, there are the low points when there are few people to a town or village and it's more like living in the countryside. It doesn’t mean that this way is less civil than the other. In fact, in most cases it is more civil. It’s like if any of you decided to leave the city and go live in the country, you may change your lifestyle but you will not change who you are fundamentally. Things like production and the need for social order will be much less. Therefore, on those bases alone we will call it a low point. Usually, social order is dictated by the elders in a family or in a village. Well, this is what was going on in Africa at that time. At different time points and for various reasons, the same would occur throughout the Alkebulan Empire. Around the globe people would migrate out of the densely populated areas, mix with their brethren left behind in the caves when they finally began to venture out, then become the groups of humans we primarily see scattered about the world. Plus, the mixing is still going on.

Most of the Africans who onced lived in the area now known as Egypt, even Meroe and Nubia started to migrate south and southwest going deeper into Alkebulan. The desert was coming down further into the northern part of their land. It became harder for them to supply enough food for all of those people. So they went to where there was plenty. The once great nation dispersed into many small villages as the people settled on desirable land. People were already on much of that land. So some mixed favorably or not, while others coexisted like we see around the world. These villages once again began to form into mere micro empires of what it once was. They were forming all over Africa and beyond. They were forming in the Ethiopian Empire, the Kingdom of Aksum and further down in the southern regions like the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, the Kingdom of Mutapa and over in the Kingdom of Kongo. They were also forming in the western regions like the Kingdom of Ghana, the Mali Empire, the Songhai Empire and the Benin. I shouldn’t leave out that there are many groups still today throughout Africa that were scattered because of religious wars, slavery, greed and other devious causes who retained much of the ancient culture passed down to them. I might even add that many of the ancient cultures around the world passed down remnants of Alkebulan, such as India, China, the Pacific Islands and the Americas. 

Lee, I know they told you about the earliest dynasties in China that were heavily represented by African types, right?

Lee: Yes, and I also heard they traveled eastward around the same time many were leaving Egypt about four thousand years ago.

Ancestor: Some traveled over to China then and many were already there. This was after that point in time when a lot of mixing of different groups had taken place. The African type who were already there and the lighter complexioned groups who migrated down after the last ice age became one people. This was not only going on in Asia, also in India, the so-called Middle East (which is actually part of Africa) and more recently in northern Africa, including Egypt. That is why you find various shades of light brown there today. 

The merger of groups in the Pacific Islands and the Americas is where archaeologists are finding ancient African skulls and dismissing it or sweeping it under the rug. Those finds stay locked away in the basement of museums and are never displayed for the public. Our.. that’s all of our African ancestors have been exploring this world for tens of thousands of years. So to find their remains there should be expected. They’ve been on every part of this planet and left many footprints, including some buried at sea. The ruins at Tiahuanaco in South America are over twelve thousand years old. Scientists know it but they will not tell you the true age. Then they will have to explain who the people were that built these wonders. I call them wonders because they’re still wondering how we did it. They found the same exact type of construction there that they found in Egypt. So they do know we did it. Plus, Europe and northern Asia was covered in ice so they can’t claim it. They can only change the dates.

Kino: I study archaeology and I am convinced that the Olmec civilization were Africans. They passed on their culture to the rest of Central America.

Ancestor: Well Kino, you’re right. There were multiple groups of Africans who left for the Americas. That particular group left Khemit (Egypt, Nubia) around four thousand years ago as well to find more fertile land. They stayed until many generations passed wherein they became one with the other Native Americans (just like in China). These once great Alkebulan descendants did this all over the world, setting up the foundations for the older societies that all of you know today.

Khalfani: Didn’t a Whole fleet of ships from West Africa come to America about three hundred years or so before Columbus?

Ancestor: Ah yes! There were many trips. But one stands out more than any and that was the expeditions of Abubakari II (Sakura), King of Mali who sailed about eight hundred ships with no less than one hundred people on each ship across the Atlantic to America and stayed, never to return to Africa. You know they have records from the first Euro-American historian Peter Martyr. He reported about a meeting between the Spanish explorers and the Blacks of Darien. Though once again, it’s not being taught. 

This is the first step in solving some of this world's problems. We need to tell the truth about who we really are! Listen closely Chosen Ones, the way you have been taught is, “If it doesn’t fit into the current canonical thought, then it will not be taught. It will be explained away.” Rarely are adjustments or corrections made. If it doesn’t fit the story they want you to know, it will be dismissed or give you a lie to support their story. This is what happened with the colossal Olmec heads in America. Despite the overwhelming supporting evidence that they are of African origin, they still told you, “The eyes seem Asiatic therefore, it can’t be African.”

Kino: Yeah, I’ve seen it in person! They have full thick lips, broad noses, and the hair texture on some are in the shape of an afro. There are others with hair braids found in Africa not in that region.

Ancestor: Look, the fact is that African people are the most diverse type of people in the world. They would have to be if they were the original people that they are. They would have to have features from every human type on the planet, which they do. There are black Africans, right now without any ad-mixture, that have straight pointy noses and broad noses, thin lips and full lips, round high cheekbones and slim narrow faces, long straight hair and kinky short hair. This variety can all be found on the dark skinned sub-saharan African because they are the genetic past and future of every other human type on the planet. If Europeans were to continue evolving they would eventually get darker eyes and darker hair like the people of India. Next, they would all get kinky hair and darker complexions, because of natural selection as the climate gets much hotter and more tropical.

We are all African people. Every one of you has African origins in your genetic makeup. However, most of the people from India, East Asia and Europe are descendants of groups of Africans who were trapped in the northern hemisphere during the ice age. This prevented them from evolving along the same path that the rest of the world did. Instead, they evolved differently to fit their environment.

One trait for example, if you look at animals from icy and cold terrain, you will see that they collect and hoard things because food and survival resources are hard to come by in that climate. We are part of this natural world. So, let’s look at western society today. They have been collecting things from every known society around the world for the past five hundred years. Just look at all the museums full of other people's stuff. This is not to say that all people who are descendants from these ice-age survivors are all this way. The human species is far too diverse for that. But there’s enough who are this way to make a substantial difference from others across the globe. Look at western industry. It’s just one big gathering and hoarding of resources, of knowledge, of people, of wealth and primarily from other societies. Are you still with me Chosen Ones? Come on, feel free to jump in!

Khalfani and Kino: Yes, we’re with you.

Parto: Our tasks, the way we’re communicating, this information is just too overwhelming right now!

Nia: Maybe we should rest our minds a bit. It may give us time to better understand all that’s been laid out before us. Then maybe we will be better prepared to formulate more thought out responses and appropriate questions.

Laura: Wait, I have an appropriate question. Why do I feel guilty? I shouldn’t. I didn’t do anything! I’m starting to feel singled out, like I shouldn’t be here. Why was I chosen anyway? I’m European, how can I effectively stop other people from doing wrong? I love my people. Do you guys hate us because of what some of us did?

Lee: Wow, that was more than a question!

Laura: I’m serious!

Ancestor: Laura, we can’t hate you. You are a part of us. We can’t hate Europeans either. They are as much a part of us as your hand is a part of your body. In fact, that is how many socially advanced cultures around the world have treated Europeans in spite of all the wrong they did to them. Africans still treat them like family who know not what they’re doing. That is part of the evolved state of the human mind; compassion and forgiveness. But we’ll talk about that another time.

Now to answer your other questions, No! You’re not singled out. No. You should not feel guilty. Yes! You should be here. You were chosen because you are one spiritually with the others and despite your differences physically, spiritually you are identical. You are entangled like those splitting atoms. Can you stop others from doing wrong? Without a doubt you can! You know right from wrong and you are a leader. All of you are! Some of you already know this. The others will know it in time.

And Laura, don’t think that Europeans are the only ones doing wrong in this world. This world is saturated with wrong doers. That is why we are here; to bring balance back to this world. 

However, you are a student of history. Therefore, I am sure you are well aware of the fact that in the past five hundred years, the amount of savage acts of aggression the nations of Europe have inflicted on the people of this world (including their own) is unparalleled. Billions were killed throughout slavery, colonialism, oppression, social violence and senseless wars. On top of that billions of animals, wildlife and habitats are destroyed by western greed. These are facts that can’t be ignored. These aggressive acts are not normal and have nothing to do with advanced societies or modern development. Most of the tech was developed for warfare first. What this is, is a direct result of the ice-age environment; an all out assault on people for resources and on nature because the ice kept them isolated from it.

We must change it, Laura! We can’t let the European hand continue to put these self-inflicting wounds on the body of life here on Earth. Are you okay with that?

Laura: Yeah, I’m okay now. At first I just didn’t see where I fit in. But I realize that I’ve been trying to bring about change all my life; along with most of my friends. Now, I really have an opportunity to do something.

Ancestor: That’s good!

Lee: Ancestor, I have one more question. Were we ever visited by aliens?

Ancestor: Yes, but not by those beings that you see on TV. They are actually from Earth. They live deep in the sea. At one time they worked together with humans, swapped technology and shared food and culture. Now their population has dwindled and they think modern humans are too hostile. So, they keep a low profile.

But the alien that did come here, came in an organic ship. It was some kind of living metallic rock blend. The Dogon people of Africa met with them, along with a few other groups around the globe. But there was a serious communication problem. So, they eventually just left.


Kags Views, Thoughts and Dreams


The Ancestor’s Lessons